/* Header Information------------------------------------[Do Not Remove This Header]-- Title: OO Dom Image Rollover Description: This script makes it easy to add rollover/ mousedown effects to any image on the page, including image submit buttons. Automatically preloads images as well. Script works in all DOM capable browsers- IE5+, NS6+, Opera7+. Legal: Copyright 2005 Adam Smith Author Email Address: ibulwark@hotmail.com Date Created: June 6, 2005 Website: Codevendor.com | eBadgeman.com Script featured on Dynamic Drive: http://www.dynamicdrive.com ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ function imageholderclass(){ this.over=new Array(); this.down=new Array(); this.src=new Array(); this.store=store; function store(src, down, over){ var AL=this.src.length; this.src[AL]=new Image(); this.src[AL].src=src; this.over[AL]=new Image(); this.over[AL].src=over; this.down[AL]=new Image(); this.down[AL].src=down; } } var ih = new imageholderclass(); var mouseisdown=0; function preloader(t){ for(i=0;i